A hitchhiker's guide to Dongdaemun
A hitchhiker's guide to Dongdaemun
I’ve heard from friends visiting Korea how thrilled they were when they went to Dongdaemun and from some, complaints that it was so big it was near to impossible to find anything. Dongdaemun is definitely a spot NOT to be missed if you’re in Seoul but as attractive it seems, the overwhelming size and liveliness of the place sometimes make it hard for visitors to fully enjoy the attraction. That’s how I felt when first went to Dongdaemun. But with years of exploring with the help of an insider, I realized what a treasure chest Dongdaemun was. It is filled with literally millions of items, thousands of shops and factories, restaurants, street food open practically around the clock and so much business opportunities, history, stories of dream come true and stories of tragedy. It was a shame that such richness was unnoticed or not taken advantage of. I want to share what I know about Dongdaemun and how to best explore and make the best out of the place with anyone who plans to visit on a holiday, shop until they drop, find business opportunity, retail, wholesale or anyone who is interested in looking at anything from an insider’s view. Below is the list of contents I will be sharing and I will add or modify as I go on. Any comments and questions are definitely welcome and would be valuable in making contents richer and more useful.
Getting there and around
-from the airportHistory
-factual historyPractical Information
-where to get good exchange rateHotels
-where to stay around DDMShow Map
-Zones, categorized based on followingDongdaemun Dream
-stories of DDM dream come true / gone bad
-from accommodation and hotspots in Seoul
-best spots to catch cabs
-finding DDM history through history of terminology
-where to eat (from restaurants to small cafeteria)
-how to look like a wholesaler when you’re not
-how to NOT get ripped off
-introducing each different shopping complex in depth (time, shops, specialty, …)
-logistics (service providers, how to arrange, …)
-DDM insider language / jargon
-other fashionable hotels in Seoul
a. industry (retail, wholesale, manufacture, fabric, …)
b. items(i.e. women’s outer, handbags, shoes, men’s wear, …)
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